
It’s the time of year when people get sick in droves. I see patients every day who come in with different versions of the same thing—cough, cold, flu, “winter blues” and more.

As the season changes from Autumn to Winter, our bodies are shifting to adapt to the change in temperature and weather. It gets darker earlier, and it feels late when it is only 5 pm due to the early sundown. People start feeling tired, some may suffer from feeling “blue” and overall, our energy starts to wane. It is the natural order of things that this happens for us at this time of year.

For all of these reasons and more, it is a good time to slow down, rest more, and feed the body and spirit what it wants and needs. Some people tend to fight the decline in their energy by trying to get extra motivated and do more—but, it may be that the best thing you can do is to slow down and listen to your body, and take this time to go inward with self-care as a focus.

Acupuncture is an amazing way to work with all of these elements. Acupuncture supports the immune system, helps with getting better sleep, and overall can calm the immune system and help people feel an overall feeling of peace.

By getting acupuncture, you can not only help to lessen the severity of various colds and illnesses that come around this time of year, but you can actually prevent them from happening altogether by coming in for a session before you feel sick.

Supporting the balance of the body and the meridians is an important way to stay healthy this winter, and, all the time.

Take care of yourself this winter—call Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture today and schedule your appointment.