Common colds are the ultimate annoyance. Between congestion headaches, sneezing, coughing, and body aches, colds are the most common reason for missing school and work. This is where things can become detrimental. Colds also have the habit of morphing into pneumonia. They are also highly contagious. Over-the-counter medications will lessen the symptoms, but they don’t actually cure the cold. After reading this, you may feel like there is nothing to do but wait it out and hope your cold doesn’t progress into something else. Luckily, there is another option: acupuncture. Acupuncture is an incredible medical tool to help improve and maintain your overall health.  Studies have shown that patients receiving acupuncture have elevated immune-enhancing hormones and blood counts for up to three days after treatment. (For more information visit: this link.)  Therefore, don’t stress when you feel that cold starting up. Simply pick up your phone and make an appointment with Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture. Acupuncture can:

  • Boost the immune system
  • Decrease the amount of time you have the cold
  • Reduce chills, fever, and body aches
  • Relieve sore throat and congestion

Keep in mind that acupressure stimulates your body to quickly get rid of harmful viruses. This means that you are working through all your symptoms at a fast pace, and you might think that your cold is worsening. This is not the case. While acupuncture doesn’t cure your cold, it helps your body to expel it much quicker. Not only will it make your cold duration shorter, it will increase your resistance to future colds.

How does acupuncture accomplish this? Essentially, through acupuncture for a cold, you are giving your body a personalized treatment plan. If you are suffering from congestion, headaches, or tired eyes that often accompany a cold, there is a pressure point that can be utilized to relieve this symptom. (This pressure point is located where the nose meets the eye socket.) Another example would be location, at the outer end of the elbow, which will help improve your body’s immunity. Through these different pressure points, your body will have the help it needs to stay healthy.

For acupuncture services for any ailment in Northern Colorado, visit Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture: