Acupuncture can treat so many conditions, be they emotional, physical, physiological, or spiritual.

Basically, if you can name a health ailment, acupuncture can treat it—and with amazing results. I have seen acupuncture help people with insomnia, skin problems, gout, anxiety, emotional disturbance, physical injury, and much much more.

Many people who have not yet been treated with acupuncture think that acupuncture is purely “supplemental” to Western Medicine—if they “believe” that it works at all. As such, it has become an important part of my job to educate anyone who will listen about the amazing effects of acupuncture on short and long-term health.

Western Medicine has its time and place—and we likely have all experienced taking a medication that made symptoms disappear in a very short period and experienced great relief as a result. But, one incredible thing in particular about acupuncture is that it doesn’t just treat symptoms—it offers support in the long term for the immune system, the nervous system, and the entire system of the mind and body.

An example of the different ways that Western and Eastern medicine would treat the same condition: if a patient were to go to a Western doctor with a severely swollen and sore throat and was diagnosed with “mono” (mononucleosis), the doctor would most likely prescribe steroids to reduce the inflammation, and some form of pain reliever with the recommendation of rest and lots of sleep. The steroids would almost certainly offer immediate relief to the pain and swelling in a matter of days, which would cause most people to say “Hey, it did the trick! You can’t argue with results!”

However, what this person may not consider is the toll that these steroids may take on the liver (the organ that specifically is in trouble for mono sufferers), as well as the rest of the body. Yes, in the short-term, the steroids will reduce inflammation quickly, but they will actually weaken the immune system, and thus extend the length of the disease that the patient may undergo, and as such is treating the acute symptoms of the patient, but not addressing the bigger issue of the body and its imbalance.

The same patient who visits an acupuncturist will be asked about their whole system, and every part of the mind and body will be incorporated into the equation. Not only will acupuncture not take a toll on the liver or other organs, but it will also work to strengthen and support them in the short term as well as the long term. Even if a person decides they want to take the medication recommended by their Western Medicine Physician because it feels that their situation has become quite extreme—an Eastern Practitioner (an acupuncturist being one kind) would recommend supporting the system with acupuncture possible before, during and after this course of drugs to treat the original ailment as well to support against the negative effects that the medications may have on the body.

Of course, there are times when the “big guns” of Western Medicine are needed, and these are always your own decisions to make when taking care of your health. And, I of course always suggest and support the use of acupuncture as much as possible.

Call me to make an appointment today, or check out my website to learn more about how acupuncture can help you. I look forward to working with you.