The seasonal shift has occurred, and autumn is here.
This means cooler weather, leaves changing color, apple cider and pies being made and enjoyed—there are so many wonderful aspects of fall.
And yet—what this change in season can often mean for many is being “under the weather”— lots of colds, sniffles, coughs, and the flu. Our body reacts to the shift in weather and change in temperature, and suddenly everyone is sick at home and doing whatever they can to deal with it.
Often, people go straight to over-the-counter medicine—remedies that will suppress the symptoms of their illness so they can keep going with all of their activities—or at least not be completely miserable in doing so.
One positive element of these over-the-counter medicines is that these concoctions may help you to sleep at night if you have symptoms that otherwise prevent you from sleeping—in that case, they can be helpful in that way.
Otherwise, however—while these over-the-counter medicines may make you “feel better” at the moment, they are doing so by repressing your symptoms—not really making them “go away.” And, if you just keep going on with your activities as usual with the help of these medicines, you are further running your system down, and will likely be sicker for longer, and probably more often.
So, while it may be true that you will feel better for a while after you take these medicines, they do not support the overall balance of your system.
My two biggest recommendations for this cold and flu season are rest and acupuncture.
Resting is the best thing you can do for your health and your immune system. Generally, people get sick as a result of stress, and illness is most definitely prolonged by stress. If you keep doing all of the things you feel you “need” to do, you may be sick for much longer than you hoped. If you take the time out to rest when you really need it, you will make a long-term investment in your health and will recover sooner.
Of course, there are times when we have obligations that cannot be avoided, but, whenever possible, see if you can cancel as much as possible in the name of better rest and health.
And—acupuncture will not only help you in the long-term to support better body balance and health, but it will also relieve your symptoms in the moment, as well as help to move the illness out of your system faster.
And of course, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and your favorite chicken soup.
Call Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture today for an appointment—take care of yourself this cold and flu season.