by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Oct 1, 2016 | Blog
The seasonal shift has occurred, and autumn is here. This means cooler weather, leaves changing color, apple cider and pies being made and enjoyed—there are so many wonderful aspects of fall. And yet—what this change in season can often mean for many is being “under...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Sep 1, 2016 | Blog
Nowadays, one of the greatest health challenges facing all in our busy modern society is: sleep. And, more specifically—the lack thereof. People are struggling with sleep more and more as we get busier and busier, trying to pack more into each day, and trying to do it...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Aug 1, 2016 | Blog
Acupuncture can treat so many conditions, be they emotional, physical, physiological, or spiritual. Basically, if you can name a health ailment, acupuncture can treat it—and with amazing results. I have seen acupuncture help people with insomnia, skin problems, gout,...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Jul 1, 2016 | Blog
This summer, some people may be working on getting in shape. Of course, diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management are all important factors in weight management. Recent research shows that acupuncture might also be promising for weight loss. Evidence for the...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Jun 1, 2016 | Blog
It’s a problem that most middle-aged women dread. Menopause. While it’s pretty great to no longer have to get your period, menopause is associated with a slew of unpleasant symptoms due to hormonal changes, including hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms make...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | May 11, 2016 | Blog
Usually when people imagine the perfect Colorado summer, images of wildflower meadows, cliffs and canyons, roaring waterfalls, and picturesque scenery come to mind. Idyllic imagery and feelings are associated with summer in Colorado. Unfortunately, 40 million adults...