by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Apr 1, 2016 | Blog
Nothing feels quite like spring in Colorado. The sun rises over the prairie and seems to beckon, “Come out and play.” Kids and adults, old and young, Coloradoans know that getting up and getting outside isn’t just good for the body it’s good...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Mar 3, 2016 | Blog
March is underway, and the first of the spring flowers have bloomed. We can all start reaching for the lighter jackets with the faith that warmer weather is on our heels. However, with spring flowers comes spring pollen, and for 1-in-6 Americans, that means congested...
by Colorado Orthopedics Acupuncture | Feb 3, 2016 | Blog
When you think of the modern workplace, you don’t normally associate it with a high risk of injury. It is, after all, a relatively sedate, sedentary sort of place to spend your time—you’re not rock climbing, and you’re not taming lions, so...