Is Acupuncture Effective for Weight Loss? Let’s find out. 

The extensive utilization of acupuncture for weight loss is the basis of recent study findings demonstrating the effectiveness of this method. Recent studies have indicated that when acupuncture is paired with typical weight reduction treatments, people lose more weight, according to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. In these circumstances, one to three acupuncture weight loss treatments may be sufficient to help patients meet their weight loss targets.

Acupuncture is a Chinese medicinal treatment that involves inserting tiny, flexible needles into precise places on the body. This therapy method, which has been used for 2,500 years, has recently gained popularity in North America and is now acknowledged as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of health issues, including weight reduction.

Acupuncture has traditionally been thought to help bring the body back into balance by regulating the flow of qi/chi (energy). It’s been used to treat migraines, infertility, pain management, and weight reduction, among other ailments.

How precisely does acupuncture have to do with weight loss?

Acupuncture could aid weight loss by controlling hormone production, increasing metabolism, improving digestion, lowering inflammation, suppressing hunger, reducing water retention, and optimizing other biological systems linked to obesity and weight loss.

Increases Metabolism

Needles stimulating the thyroid region can help your pituitary gland, which is one of the most important parts of your body for metabolism, work better. This can thereby increase the rate of fat-burning, making not only your workouts but also your daily activities, more effective in burning calories and losing weight.

Enhances Digestion

It is possible to improve the digestive system’s function and even raise the quantity of nutrients taken in by the body by using stomach and kidney acupuncture points. You may treat constipation, bloating, and other gastrointestinal difficulties that may keep you inactive or lead to fat deposition by preventing delayed digestion and increasing gut health.

Stops the Retention of Water

Water retention is reduced in the body when the nerves of the kidney and endocrine system are stimulated. Preventing your body from accumulating extra water can help you lose weight quickly and keep it off.

Inflammation is reduced

Inflammation or tension in the stomach, muscles, and other bodily tissues can decrease metabolism, stress the immune system, and even influence heart health and digestion. Acupuncture for weight loss can lower your levels of oxidative stress and optimize your body’s ability to shed excess pounds by relieving tension and regulating the immune response of the body.

Hormone Production

Many body systems, from digestion and cognition to healing and immune system function, might be harmed if your hormone levels are out of whack. Hormone levels can be balanced using acupuncture of the spleen and the Shen Men point in the ear.

What was the percentage of adults that were obese?

Obesity was found to be prevalent among males aged 20–39, 46.4 percent among those aged 40–59, and 42.2 percent among those aged 60 and older, according to research issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, Obesity was found in 39.7% of women aged 20–39, 43.3 percent of women aged 40–59, and 43.3 percent of women aged 60 and more.

Men had the highest percentage of obese people, according to the survey. Acupuncture for men is recommended. A single modification in your lifestyle or behavior, like any other weight-loss technique, is unlikely to provide the desired outcomes. Even while acupuncture may successfully adjust your metabolism and hormone levels, as well as address a variety of weight-loss difficulties, you should still pair it with a healthy diet and frequent exercise.

How to Keep Yourself Safe

A little digging may be required to locate a trustworthy acupuncturist in your area for acupuncture services, as license and regulation differ from state to state. Check out the history of anybody you’re considering getting therapy from, and be sure they have the qualifications and credentials you’re looking for.

Acupuncture service has few side effects when performed by a trained professional who uses sterilized needles.


Finding a skilled acupuncturist for acupuncture services is an important first step in designing interventions that focus on weight loss stimulation. Marchand’s staff has assisted many people in achieving their goals for a better, more active lifestyle. We welcome you to learn more and book a consultation with us right away.