March is underway, and the first of the spring flowers have bloomed. We can all start reaching for the lighter jackets with the faith that warmer weather is on our heels. However, with spring flowers comes spring pollen, and for 1-in-6 Americans, that means congested misery or a dripping nose.
These symptoms due to spring allergies are called “Allergic Rhinitis” and, while it isn’t life-threatening, it is downright miserable. For some people, pollen and other allergens cause the overproduction of antibodies which can trigger watery eyes, itchy nose, and lots and lots of mucus. Other studies show that allergies are directly caused by reactions in the spleen and lymphoids.
While medications such as antihistamines are the most traditional method of relief, they are often not enough (or can fail altogether.) Therefore, more and more people are turning to Acupuncture.
Acupuncture has helped many Americans reduce or completely relieve their symptoms, and it has also been shown to drastically decrease stuffiness. It can also help relieve the aches and swelling that are associated with allergies. For others, acupuncture has become a fantastic add-on to other treatments. If your medication, lifestyle change, or other options aren’t working enough, acupuncture can work great as an add-on.
On top of this, we often recommend small dietary or activity changes to improve overall health. For instance, we often tell our patients to avoid sweets and milk as they can increase mucus and make that runny nose worse.
So what are you waiting for? Make an appointment with us so you can dust off your bicycle, work in the garden, hit the Colorado Hiking trails, or do all the other things you love this spring, all while you leave the box of tissues in the house.