Acupuncture is one of the non-pharmacological treatments for headaches that the patient can opt out of, especially those who cannot take medications like pregnant patients. It seeks to restore the flow of positive energy throughout the body and also claims to remove negative energy that is causing pain. Acupuncture stimulates various systems of the body which trigger a healing response. It also divides the body into a series of stones and pressure points as needles are inserted into different pressure points, depending on the symptoms. These needle points are usually near nerves in the body and stimulate the nerves to release hormones that trigger a response from the body. This immune and circulation system stimulation is what proponents of acupuncture claim relieves migraines and tension headaches. 

Even though acupuncture relieves pain, it carries a little risk and sometimes it includes bruising, fatigue, and soreness after the procedure, especially on first timers. An acupuncture that is performed with substandard or dirty equipment can pose a very serious health risk so you should only go to a trusted acupuncture Broomfield. 

Take note of these before having migraine acupuncture:

  1. Make sure that you did your research before going to the clinic or before booking your first appointment. 
  2. Watch the practitioner to make sure that the needles being used are sterile and new. 
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about what is going on. A good migraine acupuncture practitioner will walk you through the procedure and make sure it’s a calm and safe experience for you.

The procedure itself might not be enough to treat chronic headache pain such as migraines, tension headaches, and cluster headaches that can impair your daily life and if so, this should be addressed with pain medication. 

General Guidelines for Acupuncture Broomfield

If it is your first time having migraine acupuncture, you may want to go with a list of questions as there is no special preparation prior to an acupuncture treatment appointment. Your practitioner should be able to advise you how many treatments you should expect and how often you might need to go to experience relief of your symptoms. On average, the acupuncture procedure is recommended to be twice a week for two weeks, followed by one treatment per week for eight weeks and maintenance treatments once every other week after that. 

Some people feel tiny pricks when the needles are inserted for acupuncture treatment and some don’t feel anything at all. Speak to your practitioners about concerns you have about discomfort so you should feel calm going into the procedure.

Also, take note that many insurance companies don’t cover acupuncture procedures. Find out the cost that you need to pay before you confirm the appointment.

Final Thoughts

Acupuncture can’t take the place of traditional medicine. Some headaches require immediate medical attention and you should not treat them with acupuncture. Speak first to your doctor if you’re experiencing loss of vision, dizziness, or nausea. In addition, severe headaches need immediate emergency attention and sometimes can be caused by underlying factors such as high blood pressure or allergic reaction. Always remember to tell your doctor about alternative medical treatment that you’re receiving for an established diagnosis.