When you think of the modern workplace, you don’t normally associate it with a high risk of injury. It is, after all, a relatively sedate, sedentary sort of place to spend your time—you’re not rock climbing, and you’re not taming lions, so where’s the risk? The modern workplace seems like one of the safest ways to spend your time making a living.

However, medical numbers show that this perception of the modern white-collar workplace is incorrect. According to the American Chiropractor’s Association, over fifty percent of American workers admit to experiencing back pain each year, at an expense of over $50 billion. Repetitive stress, poor posture, and carpal tunnel all play a role in the expanding medical expenses of the white-collar worker.

So, in a job where you’re not actively engaged in strenuous physical activity, how do you prevent injury?

The answer is one that we’ve known for centuries: stretching, diet, and exercise. This isn’t to say that you’re required to adhere to a strict regimen of disciplined health, but rather to be mindful of how you treat your body. All too often, we forget that our body is built to move through a variety of positions throughout the day. Keeping it in one place can inhibit blood flow and promote the development of knots in your muscle tissue. Remember, if you’re just looking for a baseline of health, don’t worry about the intensity of your stretching or your workout. Consistency is more important than anything.

For a list of good basic stretches, visit this site.

Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture can help you become familiar with good basic ways to deal with everyday workplace injuries. In addition, if you’ve encountered pain brought on by repetitive stress or poorly managed posture regarding your work, Toby Marchand specializes in pain management. To learn more, visit our site.