Seniority does not only come with a long-awaited retirement but also certain ailments and conditions due to old age. Most elderly people would choose to undergo painful procedures and take numerous medications to relieve themselves from these conditions. But did you know that Acupuncture is a less painful way to give you relief from these ailments?
Acupuncture is a thousand-year-old Chinese form of medicine that has been used to treat different diseases. It has recently gained popularity in the US as a holistic approach to treating different ailments and diseases. This ancient treatment uses needles placed along specific points in the skin, treating various conditions and symptoms. You are probably hesitant and would ask if this treatment is safe. Absolutely! Acupuncture is a safe treatment even for seniors with sensitive conditions. Check out a licensed acupuncturist near me for further information.
Here are some of the amazing benefits that acupuncture can provide for seniors:
1. Acupuncture can provide arthritis relief
Arthritis is one of the most common disorders that the elderly experience. It is an inflammation of the joints and may cause joint pains and stiffness, which typically worsens as a person ages. When arthritis becomes severe, it may affect the hands or arms and, in most cases, the feet of a person, which could make it difficult to do daily tasks and walk comfortably.
Acupuncture has been shown to provide relief for patients, especially seniors who experience chronic pain due to arthritis. It can control inflammation, reduce swelling, and ease discomfort, which are the primary symptoms of this disorder.
2. Acupuncture can aid in digestion
As people age, normal bodily functions like digestion can be disrupted and may cause some disorders. Some seniors might experience constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, diarrhea, and many more, which can cause discomfort and pain. Acupuncture for the elderly can help improve digestion and reduce inflammation in the stomach. It can also nourish other organs, which can contribute to a healthier and effective digestive tract.
3. Acupuncture minimizes the use of prescriptions
Seniority also comes with a lot of medicines. When I say a lot, it’s really a lot. Medicines for high blood pressure/hypertension, diabetes, acid reflux, high cholesterol, pain medications, and a lot of vitamins. Many prescribed drugs can affect the way the liver functions and some may even damage the liver in the long run. In this case, some ailments that older people experience can be healed using acupuncture. It can provide relief without having to deal with the side effects of prolonged use of medications.
4. Acupuncture can be effective against eye conditions
Eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma are usually common among seniors, which usually come with age. These can cause blurred vision and sometimes can result in loss of vision. Regular eye examinations, especially for older adults, are needed to make sure that your eyes are in good condition, particularly those who have conditions such as diabetes and arthritis. You may not believe this, but acupuncture for the elderly is effective in providing relief for eye ailments and disorders.
5. Acupuncture can aid in depression and other mental health problems
Depression and anxiety are conditions that are usually associated with puberty and adolescence. However, these can be experienced by people of all ages, especially seniors who are vulnerable to these kinds of conditions due to loneliness and ailing health. Some may also experience sleep deprivation and other mental health problems due to the pain they experience. Seniors can greatly benefit from acupuncture since it can promote relaxation and alleviate stress. It can also improve sleep and is effective in reducing pain.
We at Colorado Orthopedic Acupuncture know the value of good health and the pain-free life of your senior loved ones. We offer the best acupuncture treatment for many acute and chronic conditions that are most experienced by the elderly. Check the licensed acupuncturist near me and book an appointment now!